Getting rid of bed bugs requires a combination of non-chemical and chemical treatments. Wash and dry all linens at the highest temperature setting. Place items that can’t be washed in a plastic bag until they can be treated.
Over-the-counter total-release foggers are ineffective against bed bugs and may be hazardous to residents (look for EPA-registered pesticides with bed bugs listed on the label). Contact a registered pest control professional. Contact Bed Bug Control Boise now!

Bed bugs are nocturnal insects that can cause itchy, red, swollen bumps on the skin. They can also suck blood and leave small, dark, bloody spots on sheets. They hide in nooks and crannies of mattresses, box springs, and bed frames but can be found elsewhere. Infestations are most common in apartments, single-family dwellings, and shelters.
Bed bug infestations are difficult to treat. It’s important to catch them early, before they become established and spread. This requires a thorough inspection by a trained eye. Unfortunately, other insects – such as carpet beetles – are often mistaken for bed bugs, making the problem harder to detect.
The first sign of an infestation is usually itchy, red, swollen spots on the skin caused by bites from bed bugs. Other signs include small, rusty-red stains on mattress or bedding that are actually digested blood, and dark streaks of excrement from the bugs’ fecal matter. If you find any of these, immediately turn off the lights and use a bright flashlight to thoroughly inspect the affected area. You should also examine the seams of your mattress and box spring and any creases in pillows, as these are hiding places for bed bugs.
If you are suspicious of a bed bug infestation, a pest control professional should be called as soon as possible. There are many products available to control bed bugs but only a low-risk, residual insecticide will provide long-term control. The PMP should choose a product that is labeled for use on mattresses, box springs and the cracks and crevices of bedroom furniture and baseboards.
In addition to chemical treatments, encasing your mattress and box spring with a protective cover and placing traps or monitors under the legs of furniture can help control an infestation. If you decide to do a DIY treatment, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the product and don’t use bleach or ammonia, which are likely to damage the fabric.
A heat chamber can be used to treat hard-to-reach areas of furniture where it is not practical or safe to apply a residual chemical. However, a heat chamber can be expensive and is not guaranteed to kill all the bed bugs.
If you suspect you have bed bugs, be sure to inspect your entire room thoroughly. The first place to look is under and around the mattress, box spring and headboard. Inspect for signs of an infestation such as reddish-brown fecal spots, dark stains on the fabric and light-colored shed skins. Then, check nightstands, dressers and other furniture that may be close to the bed. Also be sure to inspect behind picture frames, electrical outlets and wall hangings, since these are places where bed bug hiding spots can develop.
You can try to control the problem without using pesticides by washing your sheets and clothing in hot water and drying them for 30 minutes at the highest heat setting. Items that cannot be washed or dried can be steamed, heated or frozen in specialized equipment. Vacuuming is very effective for removing these insects from carpeted areas. Use the brush attachment to get the dirt and eggs out of the carpeting as well as into the cracks and crevices.
Other treatments that can be used at home include:
Spraying can be done in a small area with a space treatment. This is also referred to as bombing or fumigating*. These aerosol treatments can be ineffective against well-hidden bed bug infestations and may present a health and safety hazard to your family.
Alternatively, you can use a natural or botanical pesticide that is registered with the EPA to kill these bugs. Look for the product to have a 25B registration. Be sure to read the label carefully and follow the directions.
Lastly, consider buying bed bug interceptor traps to help keep the bugs from getting into your home in the first place. These traps can be placed under beds and sofas. Be sure to sprinkle a little talcum powder in the bottom of each trap and to clean them regularly.
As with any pest infestation, prevention is the key. Washing linens in hot water, encasing mattresses and using interceptors are some of the most effective preventative measures. Taking these measures together will reduce your risk of a bed bug infestation in the future.
Check the entire bed area – including the mattress and box spring, as well as frames and headboards. Look under and around beds, dressers, nightstands, and closets. Examine all creases, seams, and tufts of upholstered furniture, and fold back the edges of wall-to-wall carpeting to examine the carpet tack strips.
In addition, vacuum regularly and clean any clutter in and around bedrooms. The more things you have in your home that are attractive to bed bugs, the more likely a problem will occur. If you have a lot of items stored in or on your bed, consider moving them to another room before bed bug treatment. This will eliminate hiding places for the pests and make it easier to treat the entire area.
If you have a small infestation, the best way to get rid of it is to hire a professional pest control operator. They can use liquid insecticide sprays, aerosol insecticide sprays, vaporized insecticides, heat treatments, or steam and carbon dioxide snow to eradicate the pests. In the event of a serious or widespread infestation, there are many non-chemical products available to consumers and building management companies for controlling pests. Some of these include pyrethrins, pyrethroids, desiccants, cold-pressed neem oil, and insect growth regulators.
Using commercially available products that are registered for control of bed bugs is the safest and most effective method. These products can be purchased through a licensed pest controller, or they may be available at your local hardware store. Do not use rubbing alcohol, kerosene or gasoline as these can be very dangerous and will only drive the pests further into hiding places. In addition, do not purchase or use “bug bombs” – total release foggers – as these are not considered to be effective and can be harmful to humans.
Be sure to keep records throughout the process of treating for bed bugs. This will help you track the effectiveness of your efforts and identify areas that require more attention. Inspect all infested items before re-introducing them to your home, and use silicon caulk to seal cracks and crevices in which the pests may hide.
Bed bugs are nocturnal, blood-feeding insects that can be found in a variety of settings. They spread primarily by hitchhiking on clothing, luggage and furniture and through the transfer of infested articles between homes and apartments and rooms in schools, hotels and offices. Infestations can also occur in dormitories and other areas where people sleep regularly.
Students, faculty and staff should know how to identify these critters, where they hide and the steps to take if they see them. Education should include basic biology, risk factors and protocols to prevent an infestation, as well as a discussion of best practices for responding when a bed bug is spotted.
All campus staff should be trained to recognize the signs of a bed bug infestation and to respond appropriately when a bed bug is encountered. This training should include a discussion of best practice approaches to control the pest, including inspection, vacuuming and professional steam or heat treatments. Infestations should be treated immediately, before they have a chance to spread.
Educate school communities about the benefits of using a comprehensive bed bug management program that includes prevention, inspection and monitoring, cleaning and sanitation, steam or heat treatment and, when needed, pesticides. This approach is more effective than relying solely on chemical controls and avoids the stigmatization of those affected by a problem.
Bed bug bites are itchy, uncomfortable and may cause anxiety. While most welts resolve quickly, persistent or severe itching can interfere with normal daily activities. If itching is severe or accompanied by other symptoms, a medical professional should be consulted.
Preventing an outbreak starts with keeping beds, sofas and other places where people sleep free of discarded and used clothing, sheets, pillows, blankets and stuffed animals. Whenever possible, these items should be laundered or dry cleaned to kill all stages of the bed bugs. Children should be taught to store backpacks, coats and shoes off of beds and sofas and to keep unused clothes and books in plastic containers or trash bags until they are needed again. If these precautions are followed, most bed bug encounters at a school will be individual bugs relocated from other living spaces and do not represent an ongoing infestation.